Monday, May 21, 2007

Why Won't He Go Away?!

This man could screw up a two car funeral.

I remember feeling lucky to get a home loan with only a 14% interest rate during the Carter administration.

I recall runaway inflation.

Who could forget his betrayal of the Shah of Iran and the nightmare of militant Islam ushered in by that wretched foreign policy ?

Remember our fellow countrymen held hostage for over 400 days?

How about the parade of inept gap-toothed goobers from Georgia installed in important positions in this man's cabinet?

Still have your case of Billy Beer?

I also remember most of us sending him a message in November of 1980...
Get out and STAY OUT!!

The only thing we need out of the peanut plantin' pantload from Plaines is SILENCE!


Chris Carmichael said...

Remember the Killer Bunny Rabbit! Oar ... did you forget!?!

Mike said...

Now we have his book that tries to sink Israel and his latest outburst about Pres. Bush. We didn't have a clue what this guy is really about until recently. It's scary to think what could have happened during his tenure, given the way he thinks. I think we are just lucky that we are not all simply subjects of a Castro, Chavez, the Iran mullahs or that idiot in N. Korea.

And the indepth debates we get from the current crop of candidates doesn't give us even a small chance to find out who these people are that want to be President. As I said, it's scary.