Friday, May 18, 2007

Okay...You're right! I forgot a few...

Food fight!!!!!

I know I'm hard to reach via this blog. For whatever reason, I'm told that it is difficult to make comments regarding content. Something about needing a password and other hoops you need to jump through in order to leave your thoughts... I apologize for that. Perhaps that is the price of having a "free" blog.
Anyway...I did get the following e-mail in response to my blog on favorite movies:

I see a lot of "Animal House" celebs on your site. Was it so great that you forgot that all time classic? Also, "Vacation", "Trains, Planes and Automobiles", and anything by "The Duke"...especially "True Grit".
Don't forget "Christmas Story" which we can relate to, wearing our snow suits and looking like penguins and dealing with bullies. One of my favorites was "Lake Boat" due to the fact that I was in the Merchant Marine and saw how he caught the true character of the fugitives from the fool farm. They don't need insane asylums, just get them jobs on Merchant ships. Some great actors in that obscure movie; some well known and unknown.
I don't fault you for this. After all you said it was off the top of your balding head. Great site. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous in NH

Absolutely! I did miss lots of great movies and hoped to hear from some of you about your own favorites. Another one that occurs to me right now is: "My Favorite Year" which featured Peter O'Toole in a role modeled after Errol Flynn. It was a wonderfully funny movie which I would recommend to anybody.

Sorry for the difficulty in adding your comments. If you would like to e-mail me for any reason, the address is:

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