Friday, May 25, 2007

But can Shamu do THIS???

"Honey, I'm Home."

There was proof positive in today's paper!
We males are being manipulated by the women in our lives. Frankly, I had been suspicious. But, there it was in the local section of the San Diego Union/Tribune... a story about Amy Southerland who is a featured speaker at the Association for Behavior Analysis International Convention which began today in San Diego. "News flash for married women: You can indeed train your husband. The secret lies at Sea World and, no, it's not at the park's Beer School. Instead, watch how trainers handle Shamu. They reward good behavior. They don't nag. And, most importantly, they don't expect miracles from the big guy." It is Ms. Sutherland's contention that these techniques will work on husbands. For example, she says that her husband had a tendency to hover over her while she cooked. Her solution? She learned from an animal trainer how it is best sometimes to teach an animal a new behavior to replace the unwanted one.

Instead of telling her husband to buzz off, she placed a bowl of chips and salsa across the room.

Or she put out cheese for him to grate a short distance from her. Her husband naturally zeroed in on those instead.

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I am starting to feel used by this kind of treatment. I also want to know how long this has been going on! Is this something that is passed on from mother to daughter? (If so, I have sons-in-law to warn!) Or, is it something that came up in committee while the women were having one of those secret meetings we're never invited to attend?
I have a feeling that this is why we always seem to be on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION!!!!!!! It certainly can't be that pesky "you always leave the seat up" thing. Can it???

I provide this information as a public service to all members of the human race who are in possession of a Y chromosome and I will also continue to monitor additonal information coming out of the aforementioned convention.

Right now I must excuse myself.
Linda has hinted of cookie treats if I do a reasonably good job of cleaning up the pool room.
I also have a plan that could possibly rate some ice cream.
It involves ending that "put the seat down" problem forever.

"Check this out Shamu!"

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