Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bring me the head of Buffalo Bob!

All Boomers should remember the Howdy Doody Show.
That was the TV show that featured a termite infested puppet and his human sidekick, Buffalo Bob Smith and a few other flesh and blood stooges. (I will exempt the smoking hot Princess Tinka Tonka from the stooge classification, but ONLY her.)

Now, as I teeter on the brink of geezerville, I can't help but wonder if there is a connection between Buffalo Bob's hype of Hostess Cupcakes and the outbreak of major "muffin top" among men and women of the baby boom generation.

I believe these pictures speak for themselves.......

I know that Buffalo Bob has gone to that big broadcast in the sky, but Howdy must still be hanging around the wood shop.
Does anybody have a brother-in-law who is a low life lawyer? I smell a class action suit coming for the ultimate woody.

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