Saturday, March 15, 2008

Rounding third and digging for home...

"He knew a great cigar; the inside of a Corvette and the bottom of a glass of Jack Daniels."

At one time I thought that might make a great epitaph. Of course I was young and arrogant. You know...around forty.
I only chew cigars these days and my Jack Daniels drinking is in the rear view mirror of the long gone Corvette.
I'm sure I'll come up with something pithy when it's time to catch the big bus to the ultimate kegger in the sky. In the meantime I'll just enjoy turning sixty.

Son-of-a-bitch!!!! How can that be?

LUCK...plain and simple. And, by the way, I'll take it.

I look at sixty with a full appreciation for the very fact that I've achieved it. Some haven't.
I also observe the sixtieth anniversary of my birth with a thankfulness for all the people who have opened doors for me and for the lack of self awareness that allowed me to walk through.

At sixty, with the exception of my hitch in the Army, (ours) I have never had a real job. Radio allowed me to dwell in a state of perpetual adolescence and even PAID me for it. The broadcast biz was like high school with money. Sweet! And now it would seem that the Internet is going to afford me the chance to continue the scam!

Me on KOGO/ San Diego 1976

With six decades under my belt I want to celebrate by acknowledging some of the people I am grateful to have in my life. They are the folks who make me want to stick around for as long as possible.

I'm sure that I've left out some friends. (I know that at least sixteen people read this damn thing.) I probably just didn't have a picture of you. Get over it!

My only regret at the age of sixty? That's easy. I regret that my Dad isn't here so that I might thank him for being right about...EVERYTHING. Especially the part about not dropping the soap in front of bosses or politicians.

See you all in Hell! As Mark Twain so aptly put it..."Go to Heaven for the climate and Hell for the COMPANY". I prefer to be with friends.

1 comment:

Chris Carmichael said...

What is that round dark thing you were using at KOGO? Probably a funny bagel. Say, any April Fool's traditions at the UT -- like they won't fire people that day?