Wednesday, August 22, 2007

"Whatever you say dear"

Women listen!

These studies, or scientific findings, seem to come at us in rapid succession lately. Researchers take aim at some deeply held perceptions about the difference between men and women and we all go: "Wow, I never knew that! How interesting!"

A couple of weeks ago the geniuses at the Journal of Science announced that they, after studying a bunch of college students, have determined that women talk a lot more than men. To be more specific, they believe that women talk two or three times as much as men. Women, it was determined, used 16,215 words a day and men 15,669. (Frankly, this seems to me to be padded by about 15,000 on the men's side of the tally...But I digress.)

After the results of the study were announced they were roundly criticised from several corners of the academic research universe. Most of the critical comments seemed to be in the alto and soprano register, but that could be just a coincidence.

No science...Here is what I know: Whenever a guy hears this question: "Honey, do you think this outfit makes me look fat?" He should not e v e n think of answering!

They live longer than we do too.

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