Thursday, August 2, 2007

Eats American Style...

I like food. I'm a charter member of the Big Eaters' Club.
I'm not fussy either. Even as a kid I was never one to say, "I want that without Lima beans." I liked it ALL. The weirder the better as far as I'm concerned.
There is a sushi bar I frequent where the chefs hail my arrival because they know they can try anything new on old Ken San and it will probably get a rave. (Monk fish liver anyone?)


Keep it coming, and don't spare the wasabi.

There are, however, some foods I can do without. I don't hate them, but I'm not going to tip over the refrigerator to seek them out.

Jell-o, for example, can go straight to hell.

And, I care exactly ass point two percent for anything resembling SOUP. Soup is merely a concoction of salt water and a bunch of other stuff that couldn't work the "big room" on its own. Besides, soup is hot. I hate hot; it slows you down.
No, give me odd sustenance and don't spare the interesting spices!

Rocky Mountain Oysters?? Bring 'em on!!
Lobster guts? Yummy!!
Dazzle me!

Limburger cheese? LOVE IT!

(The oysters that dare not speak their name.)

Something I have noticed lately that I find disturbing is the great disparity in the size of portions proffered in restaurants. Maybe you have picked-up on this too.
It seems as if some eateries bring you enough food to feed a family of four for most of the week while others specialize in that "less is more" philosophy associated with "nouvel cuisine". (You can always spot nouvel cuisine. It boasts an enormous plate featuring food the size of an agent's heart.)

"Nouvel cuisine"

Most of the joints offering Fatso portions are either American, Italian or Mexican while the stingy ones are French.
Once again I blame the cheese eating surrender monkeys of France for screwing up a good thing we had going here in the good old U. S. of A.

That's why I am going back to calling these wonderful little tidbits FREEDOM FRIES.


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