Saturday, September 1, 2007


When my brother and I were kids we were often treated to conversations between mom and dad regarding the "living or dead" status of certain people. Some were folks of the famous variety and others were just people that they had known earlier in their lives.
Steve and I would laugh like hell about it when we were out of "swift kick" range for dad. Neither of us could believe that anyone capable of walking upright wouldn't know whether someone was still operating on the right side of the sod or not.
Who were these morons??!! It was embarrassing.

Naturally, as the years have slipped by and brain cells have fled, I now find myself having the same imbecilic conversations with my wife Linda. Often we are completely blown away when someone mentions that a famous movie star has been dead "for over ten years". It's hard to keep track!

So, with that in mind, I thought it might be fun to see just how your trivia banks are holding up on this holiday weekend in the year 2007.
Four of the ten famous people pictured here have checked in to the Mahogany Hilton. Do you know which ones are still alive? (If you don't even know who some of these people are you are way too young for this blog. Feel free to laugh behind our backs.)

The four who are "tap city" are:
Don Knotts, Dennis Weaver, Hugh
Beaumont and Phil Silvers. Senator Ted "Fatty Arbuckle" Kennedy, though appearing to be dead and in advanced bloat, remains alive and dangerous.

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