Saturday, January 27, 2007

but wait....there's more.

And you thought we were done venting about cell phones....
My friend, Mike, reminded me about the morons who incessantly yak while they're shopping for groceries. "Yeah, I'm near the baked beans...Oh look, they're putting extra lard in the B&M's now." It's almost like the damn phones are reverse GPS systems. Cell phone offenders are always telling somebody where they are. Of course this works out well for husbands with a wandering eye. Instead of getting a lap dance at Scores it's: "Honey, I'll be a little late. I'm stuck in the return line at Victoria's Secret; you're gonna love what I found for you."

The bluetooth thing cheeses me off too. How many times have you thought that someone was talking to you only to observe when you respond that a goofy dohickey is hanging from their ear? Can you imagine how this whole scene would appear to someone like Ben Franklin or George Washington? If they were plopped down in the middle of any major American city today they would conclude that they were patients in a goon garage.

As Blaise Pascal, an influential French mathematician and philosopher, once said, "All man's miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone."
The cat was on to something.

1 comment:

SDRadio said...

Can I call you and talk about this? Wait, I do have a life ... love your show, and hope to see you on the radio.