Monday, December 31, 2007

You can't get there from here...

When did we start caring about the damn Iowa caucuses?
Was it when one of those clodhopper hillbilly governors the Democrats are so fond of won one?

No really...I don't remember Iowa being at all important to the electoral process when I lived there in the 60's. Iowans are not typical voters by any measure; so why should we care who the hardcore clowns who vote in these things are in love with?

Have you been paying attention to some of the things being said by the incurable sociopaths who want to be our head honcho? It doesn't matter which party you prefer, there is enough cow flop being broadcast in the "tall corn" state to allow farmer Brown to ship the entire herd to the Omaha Steak folks and call it a career. It's embarrassing.

Whatever you want, you can have. Just ask.

If you have never read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", I suggest that you correct that error of omission immediately. She saw all of this coming more that fifty years ago. The government can't run anything. It can only get in the way of the doers and thinkers who made this country great. We are dangerously close to promising ourselves unearned and undeserved goodies that will kill what made us the envy of the rest of the world. Sad.

Ayn Rand

Look at poor Mike Huckabee. He apparently thinks that he can rid us of the IRS. He's proposing an end to the income tax by replacing it with some unspecified sales tax. FAT CHANCE!
No, Mike...It ain't going to happen and you know it. We'll just end up with a new sales tax AND and income tax. Nobody ever gets rid of a federal agency. Once they're created they self perpetuate because NOBODY has the guts to close one down. And, how about the accountants and lawyers who have built entire practices around the fact that we can't figure out how much we owe? It's an industry unto itself.

So, get ready to laugh your ass off at all those Iowa caucus attendees. They are about to cast their ballots for one of these lying bastards who knows full well that real change in Washington is a sucker's game. You can't get there from here...We're too far down the road for that.

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