Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Long Weekend of random thoughts....

"Nothing quite like the 19th hole."

According to a recent study of golfers' health, some interesting statistics have emerged:

80% of golfers suffer from pain, injury or illness. (No wonder it's so damn much fun!)

27% have back pain. (I wonder if this includes cart related ass ache.)

66% are overweight. (Mind if I play through fatso?)

30% have played with a hangover. (99% seems more believable.)

If we assume that this study is on the up and up, why would anybody play this idiotic sadomasochistic game?! I gave it up years ago and suggest that you do the same. AND...don't delude yourself by claiming that it's good exercise. I know you use a cart!

In other news...

I was sorry to see that the family of St. Louis Cardinal pitcher Josh Hancock is suing anybody and everybody connected with his tragic death. Hancock was killed when his rented SUV slammed into a parked flat bed tow trailer on April 29. The suit names a St. Louis restaurant that served Hancock drinks, the driver of the tow trailer and the driver of the car stalled on the highway as co-defendants.
It's apparent that lawyers have sold the family on the argument that it is always somebody else's fault. How horrible to take advantage of their grief this way. The sad truth is that Hancock was drunk...real drunk. He was also speeding and talking on a cell phone, not to mention the fact that he wasn't wearing his seat belt.
Drunk driving is a choice and we are responsible for our actions. Somebody needs to tell the lawyers.

I hope you had a nice Memorial weekend and took at least a moment or two to reflect on those Americans who picked-up the check when the bill for our freedom hit the table.

1 comment:

durindoggie said...

As a lifelong Cardinals fan, I agree with you 100% regarding Hancock's death, and how disappointing it is that his family is suing everyone but the Colombian drug lords that smuggled his marijuana into this country. He wasn't with the Cardinals very long, and had only marginal success ... not quite the same as the tragedy of Daryl Kile's death.

Fortunately for us, it didn't happen to Andy Benes, one of the greatest hurlers in his own mind. Now there's a heckuva pitcher eh Brownie?

Mr. Copper. I missed you and Linda the last time you were in town. I'm sorry I was not in the office when you stopped by. Next time I hope.