Friday, October 24, 2014

How Come?

Women smell better than men?

 We have Daylight savings and Standard time?  Pick one!

Regis Philbin has a career?

If you ask a Republican what 2 plus 2 equals, the answer is 4.  Ask a Democrat and the answer is:  We need to study the problem, form a committee, do market research, find which way the wind is blowing and then tax it to death.

Smart Cars?  Really?

Reality TV shows?

Any song by James Blunt?



Political correctness?  Can't anybody take a joke?

The greatest country in the world elected a man who had never run so much as a car wash to the highest office in the land?

Forty percent of the American public thinks the president is "doing a good job"?

The View?

About half the population insists on pronouncing the "T" in often?



A majority of Americans no longer read a daily newspaper?

Larry King?

You can only find eggnog in stores during the Christmas holidays?


Electric carving knives?

Middle-aged and old guys sporting ponytails and goatees?


How come huckleberry ice cream isn't "AMERICA'S ICE CREAM"?

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