Not that it will make any difference, but Meg Whitman can't possibly be worse for California than the already MORE than tried Jerry Brown. I know this because I was here for the previous rein of Governor Moonbeam and, unless I have completely taken leave of my senses, the only semi smart move he made during that run was ditching Linda Ronstadt before she discovered ice cream and cake. The man was a disaster.
Not only did he give us Rose Bird as chief justice of the California Supreme Court, a woman who ignored the will of the people by overruling 64 consecutive death penalty verdicts, he also pandered to the environmental extremists by refusing to spray for Mediterranean fruit flies until the entire agricultural heart of California was in jeopardy. But most important of all his administration really began the virtual hand off of the state coffers to the California employee unions and their bloated pension plans, a disgrace that has driven the budget over the cliff of fiscal responsibility. Jerry Brown is a professional politician, an insult right up there with rapist, serial polygamist, and commie bed wetter in today's lexicon. He has never had a REAL JOB! He has been: governor, attorney general, mayor of Oakland and now wants to be governor once again. And, it's not like he left those previously held positions in better shape after his stewardship. Been to Oakland lately?
The people of California, and especially the Democrats, have to start asking themselves "Is this the best we can do?"
No, Meg probably can't do much better because, like Gulliver, she will be up against the entrenched Lilliputians in Sacramento who are only concerned with getting re-elected as they continue to pander to the public employee unions and the education Nazis who insist that increased teacher pay and smaller classes are the ticket to all our problems. Unlike self-made millionaire Meg, they don't mind spending your tax bucks to do it. Disgraceful!
California has got to change the way it does business, or at least begin to acknowledge that a state requires leaders with business acumen to take the wheel. There is no alternative. We are too far "down the road" and "the can" can be kicked no further. The time is NOW.
Let's give the candidate with a full head of hair a shot this time. We've seen Jerry's act before. We know it's slick but, like his scalp, there is NOTHING there.
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