He was born Milton Supman in, of all places, Franklinton, North Carolina and, depending on who's counting, he took somewhere between ten and twenty thousand pies in the face during his career. Pies in the face always make me laugh. (Admit it, they do it for you too.) After a long run in Detroit he split for L.A. where stars like Frank Sinatra, Tony Curtis and Shirley Mclaine lined up to get splattered by one of ol' Soup's cream pies. It was low comedy as high art.

White Fang, Black Tooth, Willy the Worm, Pookie the Lion and Soupy's girl Peaches were all part of the cast of wacky characters that made his show appointment television. There was nobody else like him. As Old Blue Eyes would say, "Soupy was a real gasser!"
Soupy Sales died last week at the age of 83. I was lucky enough to have had him on my radio show in 1998 when he was in San Diego to play the Comedy Store in La Jolla. My radio partner, Cynthia Heath-Kerrigan, and I had a blast hosting him. Cindy even won raves from Soupy for her "Soupy Shuffle" abilities. He was a joy to have in studio. The phone lines were completely lit for the entire show and he gladly took questions from callers all morning long. He made terrific radio just like he made great TV. In fact, during the 1970's, Soupy was a key member of one of the finest radio line-ups ever assembled in America. On WNBC in New York he was sandwiched between Don Imus in the mornings and Howard Stern and Wolfman Jack in afternoons and nights respectively.

For my money, Soupy Sales is proof positive that God does indeed have a sense of humor.
As long as we're on funny stuff......
I have a website you need to check out. Thatswhyyourefat.com is a goofy site that features pictures of some of the most outrageous culinary concoctions ever to appear on a plate.
Here are some of my favorites.....