How could this happen?
Springfield, Vermont gets the premier of The Simpson's movie??
Everyone who has ever passed through the place of my birth, Springfield, Illinois, knows that the capital of the "Land of Lincoln" is indeed the home of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. Ralphie, The Chief, Apu, Mr. Burns, Krusty and all the rest are there too!
Springfield.....where the men are men, and the women are after them! (Well, maybe not Smithers.)
Springfield is the home of Mel-O-Cream donuts, quite possibly the only donut with more calories than Krispy Kreme. Isn't that worth something?! Angioplasty anyone?
No, the fix was in. Some Hollywood lowlife rigged this deal and I aim to get to the bottom of it.
(Don't make me tell you what's in it.)
If ever I have espied clueless slap-happy denizens of the good old Midwest, it's Homer and Marge's brood. I can drive you to their house.
These people are yellow because they eat CORN...not CHOWDER!
I think I am related to the Simpsons. This is my brother, Steve. You make the call.
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