On the campaign trail last year, Democratic leaders said that it would be wrong to accept a pay raise for themselves until they raised the minimum wage to $5.85 per hour.
I am happy...no, delirious, to report that having accomplished that monumental feat they now feel as if the time has come to bump their salaries to nearly $170,000 per year. This, of course, is chump change for our duly elected representatives who spend a grueling six months or so on the job. (Not to mention the fact that we let them slide on those pesky social security taxes.)
Yes, the Dems and their Republican co-conspirators have fixed it so that they will receive their well deserved pay raise, estimated at 2.5%, in January. In a show of bi-partisan love and goodwill the House voted last month to kill a proposal that would have forced them to have a straight up-or-down vote on the issue. No...They knew that you would want them to have it because they have done such a great job of taking our money and spending it on things we are way too dumb to comprehend.
The U.S. Congress has the distinction of running the only money losing whorehouse in the UNIVERSE!