Sunday, April 8, 2007

Warming Up to Global Warming

"Hey, where's the beer?"

So what's the big deal?
Global warming this; global warming that...WHO CARES?!

Frankly, I'm always just a little chilly anyway. It seems like I have a sweatshirt or sweater on most everyday. Kicking up the temperature is just fine by me. Think of the savings on your heating bill!

Just to put it in the proper perspective for you, I have compiled a list of just a few of the positive outcomes of BIG BAD Global Warming.


Melted butter pretty much at the ready for all occasions.

More topless business ventures launched. (car washes, bars, barber shops, etc.)

Fishing becomes easier as fish come to surface to find out what the hell is going on.

Free government ice cream! (I can't be sure of this one, but the DEMOCRATS are in charge.)

No more yellow snow.

No more car problems. You will be able to ride much larger insects to work.

Banana farmers in Minnesota no longer receiving government subsidies for crop failures.

More kids able to take early retirement thanks to increased lemonade stand sales.

Able to cook an entire roast in your pants.

Al Gore MELTS!

Global warming...embrace it!

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