Ah, the day after Thanksgiving and the self induced turkey coma continues. The familiar disgust and bloat are far better embraced from an easy chair than they are from the mall and its multitudes of deal digging dimwits who insist on making shopping a sport. In the age of the Internet who wants to fight traffic, parking and elbows seeking out 50% mark downs that leave the titans of bust out retail a mere 100% profit just for opening their doors.
Maybe it's all the football on Thanksgiving Day--yes, I watched all three games--that inspires so many to venture forth on BLACK Friday. There should be a certain amount of "I'll show them" bubbling up in the darker recesses of the souls of the unfortunate few who admit to betting on the losers. And, if your team won, it's understandable that you might think today would be a good day for blitzing the bargain table. For those people there is no shame in looking like a pack of drag queens at a wig sale. It's time to shop!
I just returned from a walk in the ultra cool and crisp of a morning in northern Idaho having made a feeble attempt at burning off at least a portion of yesterday's excess. If I can work in another 100 miles before sunset (4:00PM) I should be back to even. On my walkabout I took a peek at commerce on Sherman Avenue, the main artery of our town of Coeur d' Alene. The shops are busy with tourists in town for the annual Christmas light show that kicks off this evening with 1,500,000 lights and fireworks. This will be our first year to view the event and I'm told that our new home has an excellent vantage point. The crowd is expected to top 100,000 so I'm hoping they've planned for enough port-o-lets.
So, now do I go to a nearby mall to peruse the holiday carnage or do I bag it and settle for the WWE? What would Santa do? It's a cinch he's not really in his workshop OR at the mall. (Don't tell the kids.) Like any guy with a "one day a year is enough" work ethic, I'm betting the porker from the Pole is on Amazon--he's a Prime member--checking his list and hitting CHECK OUT as he finds heaven by simply backing away from Black Friday HELL.
Some folks idea of a good time. |
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