Friday, January 20, 2012

Just Get OUT!

"Most of the world's ills could be corrected with a three day open season on people."
-Ernest Hemingway

Every once in awhile it's good to vent.  Not that you asked, but here are some people I would like to see go home--or ANYWHERE.  Just GET OUT!

Stephen Colbert

Stevie One Note
Okay, I understand.  You pretend to be a clueless bloviator.  Very funny, for a while.  Now, get some new material!  You have become unbearable.

Jon Huntsman
"Me love you long time."
He has been to China, speaks Chinese, and has lots of money.  Here is the reason he will NEVER be president:  He looks and acts like Dan Akroyed doing that Bass-O-Matic commercial.  There is also that look as if he just smelled something bad, (probably you) which can only be affected by the very wealthy.  Good thing he is no longer running for the BIG job; now we just need to confine him to Utah.

David Letterman
Snarky jerk waaaay past his prime
Letterman has been over for at least ten years and somebody needs to let him know.  It's sad, really.  Once a very fresh and funny Midwesterner, he is now just another mean out of touch Upper East Side liberal who can't figure out why anybody ever voted for Bush.
Instead of porking the help at CBS maybe he should try patching things up with the wife and play some catch with his young son.  Craig Ferguson is ten times as funny and has a robot skeleton sidekick.  Now that's comedy!

The poster girl for OVER
 A nice lady but, come on,  you have your OWN freaking TV network!   Now, please take your bazillion dollars and  have a nice life.  We've seen enough.

Nancy Pelosi (aka San Fran Nan)
The bigger the government the smaller the politician
Plato said, "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something."  The only thing worse than having to listen to this long day in a skirt would be to be her husband.  Think about that  the next time you're feeling sorry for yourself.  Nancy Pelosi is dumber than drywall and has never met a mic or camera she wouldn't spew into.  She needs to be confined to a petting zoo in Marin County.

Snooki and every other IDIOT on a "reality" show

A walking yeast infection
The fact that this dolt is wealthy AND a TV star is proof positive that there is no God.  Had the founding fathers been able to envision dreck like The Jersey Shore, Dancing With the Stars, and the Wives of (city of your choice), they would have left Philly right after they invented the cheesestake and gone home to kill themselves.

Whoa.....I just flashed on the very real fact that I am just getting started on my list and have several hundred folks yet to dismiss from our planet.  This was unforeseen.  Usually I'm so very tolerant.  
I need to take a break and perhaps save more of this for another time.  However, Rosie O'Donnell and Bernie Sanders should start packing their bags.

Land mass in a pants suit

Vermont is too small for a republic and too large for a goon garage.

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