It has been fun to be in Australia for all the excitement surrounding Prince William's engagement to Kate Middleton. The Aussies , you see, like most of the rest of the free world and assorted commie countries couldn't give a rat's ass. At least that's the vibe I pick-up from the local papers, (yes they still have them and they are BIG), and chats with the completely affable folks from the land down under.
Apparently the fact that Kate is a distant relative of one of the original Brit jailbirds quartered in these parts is, at best, a triviality. Australians look at it as just one more addition to the already bloated royal payroll of horse-faced dimwitted inbreds that the U.K. continues to prefer over a really kickass flag. Just think of the dough England would save by going with the flag or very cool mascot. Putting the royal numskulls in the unemployment line could free up millions of euros and perhaps allow Britain to balance its budget or, better yet, throw an exceedingly bitchin' party.
Where is Winston Churchill when you need him??!! I'm sure old Winny would be on-board with this. More money for cigars and brandy!
Of course I realize that Americans have no room to criticise when it comes to rewarding idiotic behaviour, however even we are not dumb enough to have the federal government cut a paycheck for Snookie and the gang from Jersey Shore. We do pay San Fran Nancy Pelosi, but you don't want to get me started.
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