Friday, September 10, 2010

Urban Renewal?

So Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf wants to build a mosque, or community center, or prayer room right next door to Ground Zero?  And this is a good idea why?  Oh, that's right, to promote diversity and understanding.  Maybe then we, the intolerant and mostly infidel, Americans will comprehend the wonderfulness of his dopey seventh century religion.  You know, the one where women are treated like property and non-believers are beheaded.  The religion of peace don't ya know.  Well, this is "the land of the free" after all and he and his followers are welcome to do as they please with their real estate and to hell with all of those who think otherwise.  No matter that nearly three-thousand innocent Americans were murdered in the name of Islam just, you should pardon the expression, a stone's throw away from what is to be the site of the new mosque.  ONLY THIS SITE WILL DO.

Since the Imam is all about diversity and understanding, even though he doesn't understand that Hamas is a terrorist organization, here is a dandy idea to help fulfill his vision for lower Manhattan.
Let's give him some neighbors for his new project.  A couple of strip clubs and a liquor store or two should serve to broaden the Imam's horizons.  Since he seems to have turned a deaf ear to pleas from the families of the victims of  9/11, perhaps this plan dreamed up by a proud member of Team Infidel will convince him of the impropriety of his vision.  
Liquor stores, strip clubs, maybe a gay bar or two...just what is needed to keep that "diversity and understanding" thing going.  Or, better yet, the Imam could just take his plans and hit the road.

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