Friday, February 5, 2010

Stop Me Before I Pay Again!

I have to see my tax guy tomorrow.
Nothing personal, but boy do I really HATE TO SEE HIM.
I'm getting started early this year so that my rage may come to a boil earlier and thus, with luck, dissipate in time for Christmas. I doubt that will happen, but it's worth a shot.

Every year millions of us drop our collective pants and subject ourselves to a virtual high colonic from our federal and, in most cases, state government. It's painful and falls just short of statutory rape. (Okay, you're doesn't fall anywhere near short.) It is an outrage. Our tax laws punish the productive and encourage the politicians. The worst of all possible situations.

It would be fine if the fatasses in Washington spent our money on defense and absolute necessities, but they don't. Like every teenage boy's favorite uncle handing out whiskey and cigars, they grab all of our cash with both hands and buy the votes of constituents too dumb to realize they are being patronized. Oh, and once they are done spending the loot of real taxpayers, they merely crank out money that they don't have. Anyone who ran a real business like the pols run government would find themselves bunking with "Bubba" in the big house faster than you can say "entitlement". By the way, when did hand outs become entitlements? The only entitlement our founding fathers promised us was the entitlement to MAKE IT ON OUR OWN...or not. And, if you make it, you should be entitled to keep most of what you earn. That's the only way this country does not become one big Ponzie scheme, which it would appear, is the road we're on. Hell, I'd rather have Bernie Madoff handling my finances than pantloads like Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, and Chris Dodd. What have they ever done to make this country a better place to live?
The business of politicians is to get re-elected and they are always in campaign mode.
"Who's vote can I buy today?"

Well, what happens WHEN THERE IS NO MORE MONEY???

Now, more than ever, America needs a flat tax. A tax of 10 to 20% paid by everyone guarantees that the country will have enough money to take care of our national defense and to help those who are truly unable to take care of themselves. It would ensure that productive citizens would all have "skin in the game" and a vested interest in making sure that their money was well spent. The time has come to do this!

If our politicians continue to be the towering mounds of jello that they have been in the past and no reform is on the horizon, I have another suggestion:

The state of California, (now going broke to the tune of $20 billion dollars), has proposed installing a network of computerized methane emissions monitors to measure flatus from farms, landfills and "other sources". (You know who you are.)
So far, the California Air Board has spent about $400,000 on these devices and hopes to share the information with NASA. (Just another example of our gasbags going to D.C.) You CANNOT make this up!

Here is an idea.....

Simply put these "flatus-o-meters" over Sacramento and Washington D.C. I'd bet my last tax dollar that these two gasbag magnets could provide enough energy to run our country for the next thousand years. Hell, there might even be enough hot air to finally launch that Barney Frank Macy's parade float we've all been clamoring for.

Has anybody got a pin?

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