Friday, January 8, 2010

What Do Women Want?

Apparently...women want a guy with a tragically bad rug.

Nothing else could possibly explain the success with the ladies enjoyed by Obama White House budget director Peter Orszag.
In spite of the presence of what looks like a bad wham-o toy perched on his dome, this tool has just announced his engagement to ABC news babe Bianna Golodryga. WHAT?????
And, just to make things even more fascinating, toupee boy has fessed up to fathering the brand new daughter of shipping heiress Claire Milonas, Tatiana Zoe.

(Milonas and Orszag)

(Golodryga & Orszag)
Though Ms. Milonas gets custody of Orszag's new daughter, Bianna will now be able to claim Peter's hair hat as a dependant when she files her taxes.

The lesson all middle-aged males can take from this is that if you're fairly good at math, or no good at all if you are a democrat, you can do very well indeed with people of the feminine persuasion if you staple a cat's ass to your bald head.

Here is the mug shot of Bianna Golodryga taken after her DWI arrest in 2000. Perhaps she'll sober up when she figures out it's a LID.

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