Thursday, November 12, 2009

Paging General Patton!

In the 1950's there was a Texaco jingle that went, "You can trust your car to the man who wears the star".
Today your chances of finding anything but a chance to pump your own gas at a Texaco station are pretty much nonexistent.

In the Army it was said only a fool would trust a general because once a man had put on a star he became a politician and was no longer a soldier. George Patton was probably the last general officer the Army produced who truly didn't give a rat's ass about politics. He merely wanted to lead his troops to victory and keep America safe from the tyrants of the world.

As a newly commissioned Army lieutenant I found myself in a Signal Corp school at Fort Gordon, Georgia studying the operation of field radios used by the infantry. The courses were highly technical and boring but necessary if you wanted to stay alive in combat. At the time, all of us in the class had orders for duty in South Vietnam. The study module was to last eight weeks and we were subjected to written and operational tests at the end of each segment of instruction. During one written test my pal, John Hall, and I noticed that the Captain teaching the class had accidentally handed out an extra test to our row. Seeking to amuse ourselves we decided to answer all the questions with profane and sexually explicit funny responses. (You know...."A" material.) When we finished we handed in the extra test and signed it--we had to sign all our tests--with the name of the General who was the commandant of the Army signal school. We thought it was a scream.

After a break, the Captain went nuts and wanted to know who had done this horrible thing with his test. He asked that the culprit identify himself and waited for one of us to stand up. Hall and I stayed put. The Captain then accused one of the other lieutenants by name. "Lieutenant Allison come forward immediately!"
The rest of the class then pointed out to this hopeless stooge that Lieutenant Allison was absent that day because of some dental emergency. The Captain was beside himself. (It never occurred to this nimrod that he might have passed out an extra test.) He then excused himself for about thirty minutes while we all sat there wondering what would happen. Hall and I were wondering if the food would be better at Leavenworth instead of Vietnam.
When the Captain returned he placed the test we had turned in for the General on the overhead projector. He then proceeded to read the very creative answers John and I had provided for the "big guy". The Captain was laughing out loud and made a big show of how funny the whole incident was. You see, the Captain had taken our "test" to the General and it was now apparent that the General had----GASP----LAUGHED!
The General had thought it was FUNNY; so now the Captain thought it was funny.
The General laughs and we all laugh. That's how a Captain makes Major and Major makes Lieutenant Colonel and a Colonel..........makes...
You get the idea.

The horrible tragedy of this past week at Fort Hood is the direct result of nobody having the swinging Oswalds to speak the truth about a nutjob Major who, because he was Muslim, was allowed to continue to serve in our military in the interest of diversity and political correctness. Thirteen good Americans have paid the price for this and it is a disgrace all because someone with a star didn't have the guts to acknowledge terrorism in the ranks. This is a philosophy that originates at the very top of our chain of command and values catering to the base even if it means sacrificing truth and the security of America on the alter of political expediency.

The people who no longer recognize a "war on terror" and worry about the "awful" Patriot Act and waterboarding murderous zealot dirtbags, not to mention closing Guantanamo, need to re-think their game plan.

General George Casey is no George Patton and ignoring the fifth column of terrorists in our ranks gets us nowhere. This is not a problem for the criminal justice system. This is WAR! The consequence of continuing to ignore the obvious is unacceptable.
We need to find some leaders who see the big picture.....Leaders who know when the enemy is peeing on our shoes and telling us that it's raining.
The clock is ticking on this untenable situation.
Those who hate us think we're weak.
Lead, or get out of the way.

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