Thursday, July 23, 2009

Count this early adaptor OUT!

(AP) NEW YORK--Following in the footsteps of's Kindle, another e-book reader is set to get a wireless connection from a cellular carrier, letting it access books anywhere there's a signal. AT&T Wednesday said it will support an electronic book reading device due early next year from start-up Plastic Logic.

This, ladies and gents is where I get off! I love gadgets, but...NOPE---I won't be on board for this one. No way.

I have learned to love computers. I've always been a sucker for the newest TV toy. I had the first TIVO in my neighborhood and will always be looking for the latest in cameras. I've got an up to date cell phone, though I never answer the damn thing. But, books on an electronic device are not something I will EVER embrace.

Every day I talk to somebody who's getting a Kindle and is actually excited about it. How can that be???
How do you underline favorite quotes? How do you dog ear pages that you want to read again and again? How many books can you keep on one of these creepy devices? As far as I'm concerned, there are no good answers to any of these questions.

Books are like old friends that you can call on for good advice or comfort in difficult situations. They are right there on a shelf ready and willing to take you away to a better place on a rainy day. Or, take you to a rainy day when you can't stand another day of sunshine and good news.

Books should be between sturdy covers and on paper gathering dust created right there in your own home. You should never have to worry about how much juice is left in your battery. Just worry about running out of juice in your refrigerator as you bunker in for a good long read of a book that actually opens and closes instead of powering up.

Winston Churchill said, "Words are the only things that live forever." He would never have risked any he uttered or owned to the vagaries of electricity. His were always on the shelf---right next to the brandy and cigars.

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