Tuesday, March 17, 2009


"You should do a blog."

It wasn't Moses and the burning bush. Actually it was my friend, Mike Leach, his voice coming to me from somewhere in the steam room at the gym. Mike, no doubt having grown tired of yet another tirade from me about something, was probably just trying to get me to shut up.
It was only natural that I considered the steam room just another radio show. After all, I was talking to people I couldn't see and it gave me the opportunity to vent about things that were on my mind without having to break for commercials.

I thought about it and...four years later, here we are. Like radio, it's free and I think worth the price for the two or three of you who stop by to see what's on my mind. Look at it this way: It keeps me from going "postal" and taking hostages in the neighborhood.

It was always easy to pick out the really important events that transpired in my parents' and grandparents' generations. The inventions of the automobile, airplane, radio, TV,and the moon landing were all watershed items in the timeline of humanity. I often found myself wondering if there would be one of those Biggies in my generation.

In 1989 my daughter, Kelly, was a freshman at Dartmouth College. On her first trip home from school that Fall she mentioned something called the Internet. "Dad, you really need to check out the net. We do all of our assignments for our professors via the Internet and you and I could stay in touch on-line." It goes without saying that I had no idea what the kid was talking about and gave her words little heed. That seems to be the way of really big things. They sneak up on you and change your life.

The Internet is hands down the most significant life changing invention of my life. It has given most of us access to information on ANYTHING we care to know about and has provided the means to stay in touch with people who may have slipped from our orbit. It is a Godsend to friendship maintenance.

Through this little blog I have heard from old friends, neighbors and co-workers going back over a span of more than fifty years. I like that more than a little bit.

So here's to the net! It's right up there with velcro, canned beer, Sham Wow, and Mighty Putty. It doesn't get much better than that.

Thanks for stopping by...

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