Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's called...STEALING!

There was Bernie Madoff pleading guilty and heading for a lifetime stay in stony lonesome and still not quite sure what he did wrong. That's the way it is with sociopaths. The rules are for everybody else; not them.

In Bernie's defense I would offer that his conduct has been no different and no less reprehensible than that of our elected officials. The congress and a long line of our nation's chief executives have presided over the greatest theft of wealth in the history of mankind. From the Ponzi scheme of Social Security to the printing of worthless paper money, these guys and gals have run our country with an oversight worthy of Al Capone or the Purple Gang. may be too late to turn things around.

Where is Elliot Ness when you need him?

Thomas Jefferson counseled us, "We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt."
(Glad Tom isn't here to see this.)

Can you imagine what the founding fathers, who risked their very lives to create this wonderful country, would think of Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd and the likes of that moron Bernie Sanders?

"We gave you a republic and you turned it into a whorehouse!"
(By the way, the only whorehouse in the world that DOESN'T make MONEY!)

I'm not sure what happens to us when it's time to take the BIG nap, but I can conjure up no punishment worse than spending eternity hearing a continuous loop of:

"Grandma? Grandpa? Have you seen my piggy bank?"

Something to ponder while doing your taxes.

I wonder if the stooges in D.C. will take an out of town two party check this year?


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