Thursday, October 2, 2008

To Congress: Do the right thing...DIE!

Who would have ever considered that perhaps Nixon and Elvis would have made a great ticket?
Well, right now they are looking pretty damn good to me!

As I watch the car wreck that is our congress wrestle with the Frankenstein financial mess they created with their moronic oversight of Fanny, Freddy and the economy in general, I find myself torn between public execution and castration (where appropriate) as the punishment of choice. How about a Perp Walk for the sons o' bitches for starters!

Will the REAL congress please stand up...

"Everything is okey dokey."
Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters and the rest of the congressional criminals: 2003-2008

These clowns make what Ken Lay and company did to Enron look like a snatch and grab at the Circle K. And Lay, at least, had the decency to DIE.

Remember Uncle Billy from "It's a Wonderful Life"?

Where are Gabby and Roy when you need them?

Where is Sky King???

Where is Penny?
Oh, that's right. I have her tied up at the old line shack. (Never mind.)

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