Thursday, August 22, 2013

Support Your Local Pole Worker

Well, finally someone has imagined a fine idea to make the Olympics actually interesting.  The organizers of something called the World Pole Championships are hell bent on turning pole dancing into an official Olympic event.  They've even written a rule book and everything.  Of course the problem with this worthy creative thought is that the rules likely to be imposed specifically prohibit pole dancing staples such as removing articles of clothing and sensual movement.  What the…???

 Let me see if I have this straight.  Clothing must remain attached at all times and no "gluteal dancing" or "come hither" moves allowed?  Uh…if I may be so bold, why would anyone want to watch the left over stuff?  What's next, a ban on hats, canes and additional routine essentials????   They most likely want to eliminate the disappearing dollar bill trick too--so much for tradition.

I can see it now:

"Honey, are you coming to bed?"
"Just a minute dear.  There is an important Olympic event I want to catch on TV."
"But, it's 3 AM."
"I think it's women's curling or something."

Television voiceover:  "And now please give it up for THREE time Olympic gold medalist, direct from  JIMBO'S JUNGLE ROOM in beautiful Kansas City…. Ms. Bubbles La Tush!"

This is "must see" TV baby!

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