Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Congressman Wore Double D's

Just as I was beginning to believe my little friends who say there is no Santa...

There he is!  Massachewtits gift to the U.S. Congress and comedy, Barney Frank,  on C-SPAN sporting a set of major league fun bags seldom seen outside the confines of your local "gentleman's" club.  Who dresses this guy??!! Maybe the troubled youth from the "escort service" who lives in his basement?

"Yeah, Barn', the T-shirt with the over-the-shoulder sport coat."  "You'll be so chic compared to those awful Republicans!  You look stunning!"

So, God bless us EVERY one!  Merry Christmas to those  who know that ultimately the S.E.C. will figure it all out and justice will prevail as Barney's role in the rape of the taxpayer via Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac is revealed.  (Perhaps Barney can finally put that strapless chiffon number to good use at the prison Christmas dance next year.)
Barney channels the late Jane Russell
If you're so inclined, a swell going away gift for congressman Frank, as he "retires" one step ahead of being frog-marched out of his D.C. office,  might be one of George Castannza's manziers.  The "Bro" may be just the ticket for the kind of lift and separation needed by the House's Queen of the Hop. 
The original "full figured" gal

So, thanks for the holiday laughs Barney.  You looked radiant in powder blue.
Just remember, when the day of reckoning comes, they don't call it "the pokey" for nothing. 

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