H.L. Mencken, back in the days of the New Deal, offered this gem as he surveyed a divided America: "There are two kinds of people, those who work for a living and those who VOTE for a living. All these years later it appears that the vote for a living crowd is firmly in charge of our country.
Not only do we have more than 44 million citizens receiving food stamps, up from 26 million in 2007, the costs have more than doubled to $77 billion from $33 billion. And, because government can run NOTHING well, food stamp fraud and theft has created a thriving black market that Washington shows neither the inclination or ability to stop. How else can we explain the recent discovery that fully thirty percent of the inmates in the Polk County, Iowa jail were collecting food stamps being sent to their non-jail mailing addresses? Clearly the same folks who gave us the IRS, the DMV and thousands of other useless mismanaged bureaucracies are in charge of our money.
You do pay taxes, don't you? If not, and currently half of the country doesn't, feel free to get back in line. There is more free stuff coming!
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"My mom says I'm not fat...I'm "big boned". |
For example: Just the other day, in the San Diego Union-Tribune, there was a page one story regarding "free" lunches for children who need them. It is a federal program from the wonderful humanitarians at the U.S. Department of Agriculture called "Seamless Summer Meals". The purpose of this scam--er ahh program--is to provide a "hassle free" way to feed a hot meal to children from poor areas during the months that school is not in session. There are a couple of problems with this. First of all, the need for a "hot meal" has always been problematic. Who says a tray full of chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, fish sticks or some other hot mess they throw at a kid is more nutritious than an apple, some carrots, a boiled egg or just about anything else, though cold, that packs a ton more food value? Any parent too poor , stupid, or lazy to pack something better and cheaper than the "free" hot lunch should have their kids taken away. Mom and dad--if he can be found--also need to make time for a visit to the spay and neuter clinic.
What?? Those are only available for animals? Let's get to work on that.
Anyway...here is what prompted me to action: The free summer lunch program is now being offered in LA JOLLA. Yes, that's La Jolla, California, only one of the wealthiest zip codes in the U.S.A. If you've been there, no doubt you find this both as laughable and outrageous as I. The state and local bureaucrats are defending the handout and offer in their defense that ALL children--regardless of income--should benefit from the program whenever possible, especially given the economy.
"It's a good thing for everybody," said Tina Woo-Jung, a mouthpiece for the state Department of Education. "You can't tell me that some kid in designer jeans with a cellphone is coming in and saying, 'Feed me,' And if they do, the last thing we want to say is, 'Show me your tax return.'"
How do you argue with idiocy of that magnitude?
As Mencken opined, we now have a constituency that is made of people who vote for a living. They, and the politicians who pander to them, have taken our country onto shoals so rocky we may be incapable of rescuing the ship of state. As we approach the election of 2012 it is imperative that those who work, pay taxes and keep the country vibrant take back the helm from those who pander to the "gimme" contingent who just can't seem to say "no" to freebies the politicians use
to BUY their votes.
There is nothing in the constitution about a free lunch. The founding fathers, in their infinite wisdom, knew there was NO SUCH THING.