When I think of the savings on combs and shampoo, I hardly mind at all. What does burn my ass--other than a fire about THIS high--is the amount of dough I have been forced to fork over to keep my puny Poppy properly pruned. Haircuts for bald guys are frankly outrageously priced. Over the past several years I have tried every hair cutting emporium from Supercuts to Sal the barber in a quest for a fair price on what amounts to a five minute process. Invariably they all remark on how easy and quick it is to cut my hair; yet NO ONE offers a discount. The price always seems to be somewhere in the $15 to $20 range for the five minute buzz and appropriate tip. I'm no math whiz, but these thieving weasels seem to be making somewhere north of $100 an hour! IT AIN'T RIGHT!
At last I have found the answer to haircut injustice...
Behold the Remington Shortcut!

I stumbled on this little beauty while shopping at Fry's Electronics last month and my days of being a haircut hostage are finally over. This baby is a godsend! For just $39 I can now cut my own hair--and do a better job--anytime I want. It only takes a few minutes and it paid for itself in only one month. It's a beautiful thing! You just run the damn thing through your few remaining hairs like you once did with a hairbrush, (remember those?), and you're brand new...looking fine.
Justice for baldies every

The Shortcut is catching on even among some folks who don't actually need it. Check out a certain former president and an unidentified member of the British royal family.

It truly is amazing just how sleek you can look after just a few minutes with the Remington Shortcut.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to see what this baby can do with nose and ear hair...