Or, maybe I'm just RIGHT and most of the world is wrong.
I think I'll go with the me being right thing.
Here are just a few items that are weighing on my gourd these days:

1. Why does anybody think that Jimmy Carter was worth a damn at ANYTHING?
2. Who thinks that those Tramp Stamp butt tattoos on women are attractive? Wouldn't you love to be in the plastic surgery dodge a few years down the road when the tidal wave of aging beauties with the now hideously deformed body art is looking for a laser eraser?

5. Donald Trump.....
Who cares what a guy who was born on third base and thinks he hit a home run has to say?

"How's my hair?"

6. Billy Mays....
If I were on fire, this idiot couldn't sell me the water to put myself out! He should be working the midway selling "five chances for just one dollar", not pitching everything from Magic Putty to health insurance. Why is he on TV...EVER???
7. And...finally: PETA You know....the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Just today I read that they are asking ice cream maker Ben& Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream to tap nursing moms, rather than cows, for milk to use in the making of their ice cream. They say that it would reduce the suffering of cows and calves and give ice cream lovers a healthier product. (Not to mention, it would make for a more interesting time in the old dairy barn for farmer Brown.)
You can't make this stuff up! These people need to be put to sleep.
8. I almost forgot... Those Geico cavemen. What's that all about??? Does that sell you insurance? Ugh!