It's not as bad as it was last week, but when the local landscape guys fire up those leaf blowers....Well, you get the idea.
The fires were a nightmare for lots of folks in San Diego and it was amazing to witness the help that was offered voluntarily by those who were able. My youngest daughter, Katie, was one of the latter. Her whole office pitched in to answer the county's 211 information line. It was an education for her.
Questions such as: "I see flames in my backyard. Should I leave?", were not uncommon. Or, try this one on for size: "My friend is driving down from L.A. to pick me up. Do you know where she is?"
Sometimes the confusion was on the other end of the line. Katie's favorite example went something like this:
Caller: I'm in Oceanside and I'm scared because I see smoke and I don't know if I should evacuate or not."
Katie: "I don't show that you are in an evacuation zone at this time. I'm looking at the map and it appears you are seeing the smoke from the Homo fire. The Homo fire is near the coast and does not pose a threat to your area at this time. You do not need to evacuate." (Then someone taps Katie on the shoulder and says, "Katie...It's the Horno fire...not the HOMO fire!"
Katie appreciated this information very much since she had been calling it the Homo fire all day. That lasik surgery seems to be working for her.
The fires are contained now. We can laugh again.

Katie and husband Doug hugging a tree that is NOT on fire