(The following is a re-post from 2009 and, NO, they still don't get it.)
(Thursday April 16, 2009)
Nobody seemed more surprised by the turnout for yesterday's turnout for yesterday's "Tea Party" than the dolts in big media. It was almost comical to watch as the nimrods at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC tried to minimize the stalwarts who are fed up with a tax system that asks only about half of us to pay the freight for keeping the federal government in business. It would be something else if we actually saw our money being spent in a responsible way on things necessary for the country and its citizens continued survival and well being. But, NO, those of us who still pay are being asked to fork over our hard earned jack for programs that exist only to perpetuate the careers of professional politicians who buy the gratitude and goodwill of an emerging class of perpetual dependants.
Less than 10% of the people of the United States, those making more than $92,400 per year, pay 72.4% of our national income tax. That is WRONG! It's a recipe for fiscal and emotional bankruptcy of the country and it needs to stop NOW. Nowhere in the constitution is there a guarantee of health care, welfare benefits or federally funded retirement plans. These are merely "nice to have" if the country can afford them. (A better case could be made for a right to free food and cocktails.) This has gotten so completely out of hand that drastic measures are required, SOON. This isn't a new dilemma created by our current recession. It was crafted by professional politicians, both Democrat and Republican, whose penultimate goal is to be RE-ELECTED. After all, the business of politics is re-election and it's "all business all the time" for professional pols. America needs a flat tax NOW! All citizens need to have some skin in the game. A country cannot long survive if half the population contributes nothing to the cause. A good start regarding a flat tax might be to require those making less than $100,000 to pay 15% and anyone making above that mark, 20%.
The insanity of the tax code now in place only invites disaster. The Obama administration (and now Trump) must cease their profligate ways or we risk losing our republic. No more cooking the books. We're done enabling this nonsense.
(And here we are, nine years further down the road, deeper in debt with yet another messy income tax regime in place and no end to the nonsense in sight. Hope you enjoyed your April 17.)