It's in the books.
Clark & Copper and most of the live streamed Internet radio called SignOn is history.
In another couple of years we may all know the answer to the media question: "What next?" Right now the answer for newspapers, magazines, radio and TV is: "What the f***?"
Six months ago Clark Anthony and I joined other radio veterans like Charlie & Harrigan, Dave Mason and Harry Martin in a new kind of talk radio aimed at listeners who were computer savvy and newspaper fans.

The idea was the brainchild of Ron James, who can be seen here chatting with Clark Anthony. Ron may have been early in his timing, but he knows that something like this will make sense probably with the advent of universal wireless broadband. The guy was just ahead of the game.
The marriage of casual conversation and the available talent at the San Diego Union-Tribune was truly compelling. Hell, this was something
I WOULD ACTUALLY LISTEN TO!No dumb calls from marginal listeners ; ditto for dopey contests and screaming commercials. The whole thing was kind of like NPR without the phony somnabulistic delivery and left wing tilt.
The stars of the show were the gifted creative people who write the stories and features found in the Union-Tribune. Clark and I had it easy. We merely showed up every day and attempted to ask the questions that we thought the readers might ask. It worked.
The last couple of days I snapped a few pictures of the
regulars that made Clark & Copper what it was. I regret that I didn't get pictures of Sandi Dolbee, Bill Holland, Michael Smolens, Gerry Braun, Mary James, Bob Hawkins, or Dave Ross. Either I or they were absent on a couple of occasions and, frankly, I didn't anticipate the suddenness of SignOn radio's demise. Sorry...
Here are a few of the Clark & Copper regulars:

Michael Stetz- A fine reporter with an eye for a goofy story.
(Thank him for exposing high prices and low alcohol at Petco Park.)

Peter Rowe- Beer reviewer, feature writer, smartass
(He should be institutionalized.)

Karla Peterson- Great TV critic and mom
(She needs to learn to watch TV without a bowl of Fruitloops.)

Allison DeRosa-former U-T travel writer
(They never should have let her get away! She is excellent!)

Ruben Navarrette- nationally syndicated columnist
(A wonderful talent loaded with common sense. Brilliant!)

Lee Grant- (NOT the actress!) Critic At-Large...Movies, TV, college hoops. You name it, he reviews it...WELL.
(Yes, he does look like Captain Kangaroo!)

Robert Pincus- Art critic
Bob is a gifted writer who can make a moron, like me, understand what he's talking about. (Also, the only man with both an art history degree and...A JOB!)

Steve Breen- Editorial cartoonist
This bastard not only does editorial cartoons he also writes children's books, a daily comic strip, and...oh yeah,
HE WON A PULITZER! ( I hate him.)
My thanks again to all the wonderful people who joined Clark & Copper in this, now, bit of history that will be remembered as the early days of the media convergence of the 21st century. It was a great ride. I hope to see you all
down the road.