The writers seem to be settling in for a long strike against the money grubbing dirtbags who run the TV and movie business. Producers seem to believe that the American public will be content to watch crappy reality shows and reruns until the sun blows up. They think that writers and others responsible for content are about as necessary as trained apes .
My advice to the network and studio bigshots is: Take a look at what has happened to the radio business! Ratings are going down faster than a Sears tire and advertising revenues are in free fall. Why? Because owners and managers thought content didn't matter. People will listen to the radio...because they always have, was the thinking. Why pay good money for talented people when you can have a dog fart the Star Spangled Banner for minimum wage???
That kind of thinking is the reason you can now buy a radio station of your very own with your MasterCard. (Good luck trying to sell it in a couple of years.)
So, until the creeps in charge of Hollywood and the major networks wake up and give the writers a fair deal, here is a plan: READ A BOOK!
I have one for you... Race You to the Fountain of Youth.
It's a funny read about how men and women cope with the ravages of aging. You'll laugh a lot as you recognize you and your really old friends. It's written by Brad Dickson and Martha Bolton, both seasoned longtime writers for the likes of Jay Leno, Bob Hope and lots of other people you see on TV and in the movies that you thought were funny on their own. They're NOT! Writers put those words in their mouths.

"Race You to the Fountain of Youth...I'm not dead yet, but parts of me are going fast"
You can order it from Amazon.
And...you can hear Brad Dickson interviewed on "Clark & Copper" Tuesday December 4 at 11 AM Pacific time on Signonradio.com